Dr. Jack Preger provided free healthcare to more than half a million people on the streets of Kolkata for over 40 years. This British doctor’s mission is “to serve those most in need whatever their caste or religion,” according to Calcutta Rescue, the charity he established in Kolkata, India. Dr Jack started Calcutta Rescue in 1980 to […]

In a natural cycle, leaves fall from Areca palm trees in the city of Hyderabad, India, to make room for new ones. For centuries, people have used these leaves as plates. Bollant Industries has taken this a step further, developing an ingenious system that takes these leaves and recycled paper and presses them into eco-friendly […]

An Indian engineer has invented a very quick waste segregator. The TrashBot sorts garbage into metals, plastic, and food waste. It can separate up to 200 tonnes of waste in one operating session, running for 24 hours non-stop, at a cost that is lower than dumping it in landfills. The TrashBot is described by its […]

Combating COVID-19: The Tale of a Silent Warrior in India By Pankaj Adhikari – The media across the world are covering stories highlighting celebrity donations amid the COVID pandemic. But there are few stories about the real heroes who are battling on the ground and fighting silently behind the scenes, away from the media glare, […]
Few have heard of Dr Jack Preger. That’s probably because he is an inconspicuous, modest person. Yet since leaving farming to become a medical doctor relatively late in life, at the age of 42, he has offered medical treatment free of charge to hundreds of thousands of poor people in Kolkata, India. It all started […]
Should Western companies adopt jugaad innovation? Jugaad is a Hindi word that translates to finding a low-cost, creative, quick and alternative way of solving or fixing problems. It promotes constructive and different thinking about innovation and strategy. It’s an Indian way of improvising, sometimes expressed as, “making do with what you have”. In India, the concept of jugaad is […]