What does mixing water with ownership and microfinance produce? Water.org and its initiative WaterCredit, a program that helps microfinance organizations get into the business of making water and sanitation loans. Loans? you ask. Why loans? Why not simply count on wealthy philanthropists to build wells, maintain pumps or provide sanitary services, doing that all over the world, thus […]

This is the story of an amateur boxer turned social anthropologist who decided to do something about the violence affecting street children in Brazil’s favelas. An impossible task? Luke Dowdney’s passion for boxing allows him to reach even hard-core young drug traffickers on Brazil’s streets. How is it possibly, you may ask, for anyone to […]

What if we could transfer the excess calories on many of our plates in the developed world to those who need calories in the developing world. TFT, short for Table For Two, does just that. It aims to “shift the global food imbalance by ‘transferring excess calories’ from the developed to the developing world, working to […]

Want to give a bit of joy? It might only cost you 60 cents. And that joy will bring a brand new smile. Check out Operation Smile. What do they do? In their words: “Operation Smile provides free surgeries to repair cleft lip, cleft palate and other facial deformities for children around the globe.” More […]

The Womanity Foundation is “accelerating progress for women and their communities”. Currently, the independent philanthropic foundation and Radio NISAA FM, the first all-women commercial radio station in the Palestinian territories, are producing a radio program in Arabic called “Worth 100 Men” on the role of women in society. The story illustrates the trials and tribulations […]

This video is a sequel to Barefoot College’s film about African and other illiterate women who are trained to become solar-energy engineers. Yes, it’s possible! This story about a Jordanian “Solar Mama” is truly extraordinary and uplifting. 

The Good Times has already reported on the sustained efforts of Friends of India, but more good news has ensued from the non-profit charity. Despite hard times, an anonymous donation of 100,000 Swiss francs is helping the organization achieve its goals. What are Friends of India’s achievements? Through the Richard Walsh Music Project, for example, Friends […]

Urmi Basu is a woman from India who is making a difference. She founded New Light, a non-profit organization in Kolkata, whose mission is to “promote gender equality through education and life-skill training, thereby reduce harm caused by violence and abuse to women and young children.” New Light describes itself on its website as a “community development […]

“Shining Hope for Communities combats gender inequality and extreme poverty in the Kibera slum of Nairobi, Kenya, by linking tuition-free schools for girls to accessible social services for all.” That’s how this non-profit organization founded in 2009 describes itself. It operates in the slum where one million people live without roads, electricity, or hospitals. Founder Kennedy Odede […]

Here’s a practical way to help end global poverty: join the efforts of the Global Poverty Project. No joke! Its vision is: “a world without extreme poverty within a generation. Our mission is to increase the number and effectiveness of people taking action to end extreme poverty. The Global Poverty Project is an educational and […]