Earth Day for the planet

It’s not a day, it’s a movement. Earth Day founders created and organized the first Earth Day, also called International Mother Earth Day, on April 22, 1970. Since then, EARTHDAY.ORG has mobilized over 1 billion people annually on Earth Day, and every other day, to protect the planet. According to the website, “Earth Day has […]

Earth Day

April 22 is Earth Day. According to the Earth Day website, this day “marks the anniversary of the birth of the modern environmental movement in 1970.” The theme of #EarthDay this year is “Invest in Our Planet”. Today is the perfect occasion to demonstrate support for environmental protection. The Old Farmer’s Almanac has these suggestions to celebrate […]

April 22nd is Earth Day. Join the festivities wherever you are in the world, without leaving your home. The theme of the event’s 50th anniversary is climate action. The enormous challenge — but also the vast opportunities — of action on climate change has distinguished the issue as the most pressing topic for this milestone […]

Great Barrier Reef, Australia

Today we commemorate Earth Day. Started in 1970, the celebration has turned into a global event with people far and wide demonstrating just how much they care about protecting the Earth.  There are many ways to get involved: If you are not yet familiar with Earth Day and the problems the planet is facing, use […]