Neuroscientist Wendy Suzuki gave a 13-minute TED Talk on the “brain-changing benefits of exercise” in March 2018 that millions of people have since seen. What she had to say – the result of her research and personal experience – bears repeating for the good of all. In sum, exercise is the most transformative thing that […]

Good news arrived recently from The Ocean Cleanup, the non-profit environmental organization that is working to rid the oceans of plastic. It’s conducting the largest clean-up in history, helping to rescue our oceans (see our 2016 story about The Ocean Cleanup). The company announced it had “now officially removed more than 100,000 kg [220,460 lb] […]

“Marinating in comfort is not an option. Fear is not an option. With a leap of faith we can all be the change our world screams for.”

Umra Omar, Founder and Director, Safari Doctors

Kenyan humanitarian Umra Omar has put her entrepreneurial spirit and energy into a social enterprise that provides healthcare to marginalized and indigenous communities within the Lamu Archipelago in Kenya. The archipelago is a group of 65 islands over 6,474 square kilometers (around 2,500 square miles) near the northern coast of Kenya. Omar’s organization, Safari Doctors, […]

A new tool has appeared in the last few years: NFTs. Non-fungible tokens are progressively being used effectively as utility tokens because more and more companies of all sizes are adopting them for various purposes. The fact that NFTs can represent digital files has opened a plethora of possibilities in terms of brand storytelling, for […]

Mark Pollock is a motivational speaker, explorer and author. In 2016, The Good Times highlighted his efforts to help find a cure for paralysis. He himself is paralyzed from the waist down as the result of a fall from a second-storey window in 2010 and he’s been blind since 1998 when his retinas became detached.  […]

An Indian engineer has invented a very quick waste segregator. The TrashBot sorts garbage into metals, plastic, and food waste. It can separate up to 200 tonnes of waste in one operating session, running for 24 hours non-stop, at a cost that is lower than dumping it in landfills.  The TrashBot is described by its […]

In homage to Queen Elizabeth II and the people of the United Kingdom, The Good Times highlights a story about another admirable, albeit lesser-known, British woman. Margaret Seaman, from Caister-on-Sea, near Great Yarmouth in Norfolk, England, is an avid knitter in her 90s. She created a knitted model in wool of Sandringham House, one of The […]

A new initiative is helping to address the global freshwater crisis. The World Economic Forum and multinational technology company HCL have launched the Aquapreneur Innovation Initiative. This collaboration secures funding of $15 million over five years for entrepreneurs to tackle the growing concerns of water scarcity, water pollution and water stress, a situation where not […]

“You are never too small to make a difference.”

Greta Thunberg, Climate Activist, COP24 Katowice, Poland 2018