April 22 is Earth Day. According to the Earth Day website, this day “marks the anniversary of the birth of the modern environmental movement in 1970.” The theme of #EarthDay this year is “Invest in Our Planet”. Today is the perfect occasion to demonstrate support for environmental protection. The Old Farmer’s Almanac has these suggestions to celebrate […]
What we eat influences our health. But how much we eat does too. Studies show that fasting, or even periodically adopting a low-calorie diet that mimics the effects of fasting, may generate a wide range of health benefits. These include increased weight loss, normalizing insulin sensitivity and even slowing down the aging process. Dr. Joel Fuhrman, author […]
The good news? Dr. Deepak Chopra, the alternative medicine expert, says, “In the last decade or so mounting research has shown how lifestyle changes, including exercise, stress management, and diet can prevent almost ninety percent (90%) of chronic illnesses in our society. … We now know that Type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular illness in general, and many types […]
Most of the world eats insects – only in North America, Europe and Australia do people not usually include this staple in their diets. Yet insects as food provide quality nutrients (protein, omega-3 fatty acids, minerals and vitamins) and are an excellent environmentally and ecologically beneficial alternative to the production of expensive beef and other […]