Thursday, September 8, 2016

Wonder Woman for Water

MinaGuliMina Guli is the first person to have run 40 marathons (1,688 km or 1,048 miles) across 7 deserts on 7 continents in 7 weeks. 

Mina is an Australian businesswoman, active in the environmental sector. She is CEO of Thirst, which she describes as follows: “Thirst is harnessing social media and technology to inform and inspire 14-24 year olds about water and the steps they can take to reduce their own water consumption.” 

An initiative of the Young Global Leaders of the World Economic Forum, Thirst is “tackling the world’s water scarcity crisis by educating and engaging the next generation of global consumers. We are:
1. Educating young people to become responsible water citizens, managing their own water use and the use of those around them; and
2. Growing consumer demand for water-wise products and thereby inspiring companies to use and promote water-wise processes and products.”

In this short video, Mina describes why she accomplished this incredible feat.

Featured image: Mina Guli overlooking the Nile River near Aswan on April 21, 2017 (CC Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.0 Generic CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 license)

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