Humans are deeply affected by certain melodies. They can evoke strong emotional responses, such as chills and thrills in listeners. And numerous studies have demonstrated that “music can decrease pain levels. Pain relief may occur by the release of endorphins or changes in catecholamine levels or as patients are distracted by memories away from their […]

Have you ever heard of forest therapy or forest bathing? Do you know anything about phytoncides? These are all about making you healthier in an incredibly simple way. Forest therapy is “healing and wellness through immersion in forests and other natural environments.” It’s about allowing your body and psyche to be at peace in the […]

Made up of sections of DNA, genes control the life processes of organisms, according to Nobelprize.org In 2012, American biochemist Jennifer Doudna along with French microbiologist Emmanuelle Charpentier developed “a methodology for high precision changes to genes. They used the immune defenses of bacteria, which disable viruses by cutting their DNA up with a type […]

As the saying goes, the dog is man’s best friend. Dogs offer comfort. After the June 2016 massacre in an Orlando nightclub in which a gunman killed 49 people and injured 53 others, 12 golden retrievers were brought to the city to offer comfort to some of the victims, family and emergency crew. According to the […]