Mark Pollock: How Leaders Build Trust
Motivational speaker, explorer, and author, Mark Pollock helps people all over the world to overcome adversity, in the UK and Europe, America, Asia, and the Middle East.
Mark contributes the following:
“Following years of research, Professor Paul J. Zak discovered that when a powerful neurochemical called Oxytocin is released into our brains, we’re more inclined to trust other people. When that happens, we perform better as individuals and as a team.
And, he went on to develop a framework to help leaders foster the release of Oxytocin that underpins trust.
Ovation: Recognising colleagues and celebrating success.
eXpectation: Defining goals and inducing challenge stress.
Yield: Yielding or giving people discretion in how they do their work.
Transfer: Giving people autonomy for self-direction and enabling job crafting.
Openness: Being transparent and sharing information broadly.
Caring: Intentionally building relationships with colleagues.
Invest: Facilitating whole-person growth beyond the job.
Natural: Being honest and showing vulnerability.
Paul Zak concludes that leaders can cultivate trust by setting a clear direction, giving people what they need to see it through, and then getting out of their way.
In short, to boost engagement, treat people like responsible adults.”