ATS Advanced Thermovoltaic Systems Earthshot Prize

No less than a “revolutionary solution to capture and convert industrial waste heat into sustainable electricity”: that’s what Advanced Thermovoltaic Systems (ATS) has developed. For its efforts, the company has received the prestigious Earthshot Prize 2024, which recognizes innovators addressing the world’s most pressing challenges in five areas: protecting and restoring nature; cleaning our air; […]

 Here’s one solution to a pressing problem facing the world: the lack of access to modern energy services. This young man, Jeremiah Thoronka, has developed a device that uses energy generated by pressure, heat and vibrations to create affordable and clean electricity. His company, Optim Energy, uses the energy that an object naturally has as […]

Solar cookers aren’t new. But according to National Geographic, these devices, which use only the energy of direct sunlight to heat, cook or pasteurize food or drink, are making “a big difference in impoverished communities”. In the developing world they are a lifesaver. Solar cooking uses no electricity, gas, charcoal or wood. Only the sunshine […]