Each of the richest people on earth has a carbon footprint some 175 times greater than that of someone in the poorest 10% on the planet, according to estimates by Oxfam, thereby driving climate change and its devastating effects worldwide. Yet it is not the rich who are suffering the most from the effects, or […]
Protecting 30% of the Earth by 2030 is the goal of the High Ambition Coalition for Nature and People. This intergovernmental group of more than 50 countries co-chaired by Costa Rica and France, with the United Kingdom as Ocean co-chair, aims to secure a global deal for nature and people that can halt the accelerating […]
Supporting Dalit women to become leaders, promoting a school for Tibetan refugees, helping educate girls in rural West Bengal, supporting a children’s hostel in rural Goa, offering IT training, personal development and English classes in Nagpur, offering a retreat from the slums in Bhaja and Bordharan: these are some of the projects run by the Karuna Trust. “Inspired by […]
Founded in 1996, Femmes Africa Solidarité (FAS) is a women’s empowerment organization specifically dedicated to peacebuilding in communities in Africa. It fosters and supports women’s initiatives in the resolution of conflicts in Africa and the respect of women’s rights. It also strengthens women’s leadership capacity to help them restore and maintain peace in their countries. […]