Amazon Rainforest, near Manaus

Efforts to save and enhance biodiversity work better when local communities are involved. That is the conclusion of research undertaken in 2021 by 17 scientists on “The role of Indigenous peoples and local communities in effective and equitable conservation,” published in the journal Ecology & Society. “Involving IPLCs [Indigenous peoples and local communities] is perceived […]

Meet BasicNeeds: “BasicNeeds is the only UK based international non-profit organisation, and one of the few in the world, specifically working to make change on the issue of mental illness and epilepsy in developing countries. … We implement a community based and people-oriented model which emphasises the importance of enabling people with mental illness and epilepsy […]

What does mixing water with ownership and microfinance produce? and its initiative WaterCredit, a program that helps microfinance organizations get into the business of making water and sanitation loans. Loans? you ask. Why loans? Why not simply count on wealthy philanthropists to build wells, maintain pumps or provide sanitary services, doing that all over the world, thus […]

John ‘Jody’ Kretzmann and John McKnight are the directors of Assets Based Community Development Institute (ABCD Institute) at Northwestern University in the US. ABCD mobilizes struggling communities using resources already at hand and shows them how to work toward positive change. “Challenging the traditional approach to solving urban problems, which focuses service providers and funding agencies on the […]