June 5th is Global Running Day. Today, Wonder Woman for Water Mina Guli, CEO of Thirst Foundation, has embarked on yet another journey to highlight the need for healthy, restored rivers worldwide. Mina is a water advocate, ultra marathon endurance runner and speaker, who believes that “every single one of us can make a difference.” […]

Why is seaweed remarkable? After all, it’s just a vegetable that grows in the ocean and places like rivers, lakes, and other bodies of water. It’s common, including countless species of marine plants and algae. Many types exist, classified as red (Rhodophyta), green (Chlorophyta), and brown (Phaeophyta) algae. Typical types of edible seaweeds include Wakame, […]

Ten extraordinary water-focused entrepreneurs have developed innovations that will help conserve and restore the world’s global freshwater ecosystems. Today, around one-third of the global population is already subject to water stress and, by 2030, the global demand for water will exceed sustainable supply by 40%, according to the United Nations Environment Programme. Climate change and […]

In the quest to solve the plastic pollution crisis, organizations of all types are working on solutions. The Good Times has highlighted a few on these pages in the past, such as the Ocean Cleanup removing plastics from the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, the Aquapreneur Innovation Initiative to remove microplastics from water, bacteria that have […]

April 22 is Earth Day. According to the Earth Day website, this day “marks the anniversary of the birth of the modern environmental movement in 1970.” The theme of #EarthDay this year is “Invest in Our Planet”. Today is the perfect occasion to demonstrate support for environmental protection. The Old Farmer’s Almanac has these suggestions to celebrate […]

This woman is truly remarkable. She is Mina Guli, an Australian businesswoman active in the environmental sector and CEO of Thirst. The Thirst Foundation is a non-profit organization “focused on delivering groundbreaking action on water.” How has Mina captured attention and delivered that action? By running marathons. In 2016, she completed 40 marathons in 40 […]

A new initiative is helping to address the global freshwater crisis. The World Economic Forum and multinational technology company HCL have launched the Aquapreneur Innovation Initiative. This collaboration secures funding of $15 million over five years for entrepreneurs to tackle the growing concerns of water scarcity, water pollution and water stress, a situation where not […]

How can you improve your immune system to better resist diseases and infection? Follow this effective, simple and evidence-based advice: Look after your skin. The epidermis, the outermost layer of skin, contains a network of Langerhans cells that provide a physical barrier against infection. Because skin serves as the interface with the external environment, one […]

More than 2 billion people in the world do not have access to clean drinking water. And even in developed countries, many people do not think water from the tap is safe. Over half of households in the United States are concerned about the quality of their water supply and only 55% of Europeans drink […]