Amy Purdy is a hot topic you may well have heard of. She’s an athlete, author, model, entrepreneur, dancer, inspirational and motivational speaker and actress. So, she’s talented. Yes, but she’s not just talented, she’s a survivor, someone who redefines what is possible. At the age of 19, Amy became ill with bacterial meningitis, a serious infection […]

This story has already made it around America but is worth repeating. It’s about willpower, accomplishment, and victory over hardship. Bad things happen, but in many cases they can be overcome. Mandy Harvey is an inspiration.

Malvika Iyer is a model and role model. She’s an example of a person who has maintained a hugely positive attitude despite great adversity. And adversity seems like a weak word when you know what happened to her. When Malvika was 13, she lost both her hands and sustained severe injuries, nerve damage and multiple fractures […]